" You're my destiny, my love, my everything. "
19th July 2010
went for dance, physical training, warmups. as usual.
that sss senior came back. taught us hiphops basic.
moonwalk. haaaaa, kinda fun. others went to train bali dance.
we stood there like some retards. trained rhapsody dance.
fooled around with Xuanyun, she's full of nonsense.
she's ultra-cute. haaaaaa. :D
Mr Auyong extra come chat with us, whatthehell.
after Yiling's craps, dismissed.
Breyl, Xuanyun, Kailing and me waited for pearlyn,
because she's waiting for her baby Zaczac. haaaaa.
dua pai lorh, waited for him for 2 hours.
we keep shouting, full or craps. water fight.
played like whatthefuck. haaaaa, stfu.
ZacEe finally came. homesweethome with Breyl and Xuanyun.
reached home at 8, so drained out.
completed art homework, drew doraemon and carebear. :D
hugged my sketchbook to sleep.
today, stayed at home. got common test next week.
Engheng keep aking me to study. tsktsk.
see my mood first. haaaaaa. (LLL) ♥
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