Mrs Chua not here, free periods! Hmmm, was having a fun time. Then Mr Beh come in kaypoh, ruined everything. Walk pass come in step one responsible teacher, come in catch her catch there. Shout so loud for what, hearing got problem. LOL. Hate these kinds of teachers, suck up to principal only. All of these people should go to hell, seriously. Okay, I'll stop these cursing. I'm like gonna fall asleep during Physics lesson, just can't get rid of the sleeping mode. Chinese period is the best, at IT room. The test is like so meaningless, wasn't concentrating at all, wa having fun disturbing Jingyong. ;p
Sport fiesta soccer finals! Skipped AP lessons, hahaha. Great game, I love to see them play! Won, 1.0, happppy. Engheng, Jemwong, Jazir, Yuequn, Shafie. These guys are ultra-awesome! :> Lunch at eighteen chef. Ray and Engheng were talking about baskteball stuff, and Ray is super epic, funny to-the-max! hahahaha, good times always ends fast. Went home on the same bus with Ray, he like super slow and clumsy can! He's like right at the end of the bus, and when its his stop and suppose to get down, he like slowly squeeze his way out, then by the time he was about to tap out, the door close. He was like "oh, shit!" then got people help him press the bell, then the driver open the door for him. totally LOL.
Jem's gonna put leg cast soon. Wondering how next year's sports fiesta be like without him. Hmmm, I bet he'll miss playing soccer, floorball and the other sports! :(
Get well soon Jem!
Gonna have training on tuesday, wednesday and friday because of national day performance! :( hope it ends early. Teacher said it will end latest by 7 SGD. Hope not hope not hope not! Boooooo, wanna dance with Pearl they all for teachers day, but too bad, I'm gonna miss it. Hope we'll have other chances to perform for other occasions, lets say.. GESS CARNIVAL 2012! I really fell in love with Miss A's Goodbye baby, Sistar 19's Ma boy and T-ara's Roly Poly! I wanna and gonna learn all of these dances.
Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you, that is greater then any obstacle. Thats the courage to give it a shot.I know we're in a relationship, of which its the connection of two. I hope things will get better, after we've sort out thoughts out that night. All of my shortcomings, I'll change step by step, bit by bit. I don't want things to come between us, make us feel that we've drifted apart. These 17 months we've survived through hardships, and I believe we still can, for the next few years, till the end of the world. I hope things will get better, soon.
Joann 'yjx.